Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Missed the fun run tonight

Work trumped running tonight. Busy day at work and did not leave until 8pm. My weekly sorta long run that I have labeled the fun run on my calender because I am doing it on the same night that the Lakes Area Running Club used to do the fun run. It is fun to run the routes I did so many times with Tom, Ron, and others. The Tuesday night fun runs consisted of a run at 6pm followed by dinner at 7pm. We usually ran for 45-50 minutes and each week would be at a different venue. The locations were selected by Tom and Joey and varied between Burlington, Lyons, Lake Geneva, Elkhorn, East Troy, Waterford, and a few others. One perk of being a one man fun run is that I can change the day when needed. This week my run will be on Wednesday. Daylight savings time was last weekend, so I should be running in the light for the first time in a long time.

Rain, rain go away

It has been raining since Friday night. My 15 mile long run got washed out Saturday and my backup day of Sunday also was scratched due to rain. 33F and raining didn't seem like a good idea. I tried a short run on Saturday between down pours, but only got about a mile and the rain came back and soaked me. Retreated to the basement for a 30-minute glide on the Nordictrack. Not really a substitute for a 15 mile endurance build up run. Tonight is my sorta long run.
I am starting to think that a spring marathon isn't in the cards. I may have to switch my goal to a fall marathon. I will see on this weekend goes before deciding anything.